Naysayer HW:

Before we dive headfirst into the unknown, we must step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Gene-editing, specifically the CRSIPR method has become one of the most controversial topics in the world. Genetically modifying food has been seen to have many great benefits and the act of gene editing has also been … [Read more…]

HW: Dalai Lama Annotations

8 Sentence Summary: Tenzin Gyatso was declared to fourteenth Dalai Lama who coauthored fifty books and was awarded the Nobel peace prize. In Dalai Lama’s essay “Ethics and the New Genetics” he writes about the speed of scientific progress and the consequences it could have on the future. Over the years there have been many … [Read more…]

Post Project 1:

The two main weaknesses that I identified in my first draft were the introduction and conclusion. Both of these paragraphs lacked detail because I was unsure about how to tie everything together. In my final draft, I focused mainly on reworking my introduction and conclusion paragraphs. I also added a thesis to the introduction because … [Read more…]

HW Triac:

Whether people admit it or not, everyone covers. Covering means to tone down a disfavored identity in order to fit in. Most people probably cover everyday without even realizing, because it comes so naturally. In Kenji Yoshno’s writing “Preface” he states, “Nonetheless, being deemed mainstream is still often necessity of social life. ” He then … [Read more…]

In Class Exercise:

“Contrary, sharing your story or feelings to others helps people connect and empathize about a feeling that they might also have.”Good wrap-up for the quotes you chose. Do you agree that sharing stories that make us feel shame might act to transform the shame? Was this personal anecdote effective, in your opinion Yes. I do … [Read more…]

HW 2:

The central claim in Hallward’s speech is rather than being scared of sharing what we think makes us a “bad” person; we should instead share our stories of shame because it is an act of courage and generosity. Shame is typically a feeling that many of us hide from because it makes us feel bad. … [Read more…]

Summary Chapter 1:

In chapter one of “They Say/I Say” the authors are writing about the important of making sure you argument has a clear point. Also, when constructing an argument the writer or speaker must start with “what others are saying” and then lead into their own response. The authors also say that in order for people … [Read more…]

HW 1:

In the introduction of “They Say/ I Say” the authors provide templates in hopes that our writing will become more original and creative. Specifically, the authors argue that the type of templates that they use do not dictate the content of what you say rather how you format what you’re saying. Although some people believe … [Read more…]