Throughout the semester we tried to peer editing processes, one was though a google drive by making comments on the paper, and the other was in person comments that we made on each others papers. The first time that we had to make peer reviews in class, I wasn’t too sure about what I was doing because I had never done peer reviews in the past. But, despite this I still put in my best efforts to be as helpful as possible to my classmates. As the semester went on and I got more comfortable with my classmates and the skill of peer editing, I was able to make more meaningful and helpful comments on their essays. While reviewing each essay I was more focused on the global revisions such as transitions, claim sentences, and making sure their evidence supports each of their claims. For the local revisions, I made small comments about comma splices, misspelling, or confusion within the sentences. Although in each approach I was able to make comments on my peers paper, I think that the peer editing in person was my favorite approach. This is because when we were in class, my peers could ask me any questions or voice any concerns they had about the comments that I had made. Being in person made the whole experience more personable and in my opinion was by far the better approach. The knowledge that I have gained about peer editing will help me in many future endeavors that I may encounter.