One thing that I would be willing to be an activist for is equal rights for all. Far too often do we see in our society certain genders, races, or ethnicities being discriminated for something that they are unable to control. Specifically, I would protest for equal rights between men and women. Many emotions go into protesting and activism and being a women, I have many. Everyday, I see inequality between genders within our society which makes me angry. For example, women athletes are treated unfairly receiving less recognition that mens teams, lower salary, and less credit towards their hard work. I believe that in order for someone to be an activist or to protest for something, they have to be somewhat angry about what the current situation is. Being angry or mistreated by others because of your gender sparks a fire in many and causes people to finally stand up for themselves and try to make a real difference.
In the movie, the type of protesting that goes on is civil which has been seen to be the most effective when trying to get others on your side. Despite the protestors efforts the pipeline ended up being built.
I think what Juliet means by this statement is our Earth cannot withstand that amount of pollution we’re adding to the atmosphere merely to support our economy. Yes, the economy is obviously very important in our world, without it, there would be chaos. But, we can’t have an economy if we’re all dead because of CO2 pollution. Already we’ve seen consequences of climate change such as rising sea levels, wildfires, and increased climate. In order for our economy to continue to flourish and for the safety of Earth we must find an alternative. Many people have already taken steps to reduce the CO2 pollution such as riding bus’s, solar power, and wind power. But, for this to have as big of an effect as CO2 already has on our planet, these alternative solutions must be used on a much wider scale than they are currently.
Since I’ve began my journey in college, I have not heard the words “carbon footprint.” This may be because none of my courses have been centered around this topic or because no one views this topic seriously enough to bring it up in class. Either way, the last time I heard this term used was in the seventh grade. In my science class we talked about the effects of CO2 and what climate change was. We also used a website and put in details about how long our showers are, if we have a car, and how often we leave our lights on to calculate what our carbon footprint is in the world.
I agree with this statement from Bill…
I agree with this statement because although climate change may be deadly to humans, the Earth will still be here after we perish. Since the carbon dioxide is heating up the Earth’s atmosphere this will make it unfit for human life but does not mean that the Earth will just disappear.
Yes, this science scares me because if the numbers are already this high, then this means that they will just keep increasing possibly at a faster rate as time goes on.
After reading this question, I talked to both of my parents about what they thought on this topic. Overall it seems that we have the same ideas about the fact that climate change is a real thing and has been proven numerous times. My parents and I all believe that this is till an act of activism and not a global concern because not everyone views climate change as a possible risk for our future.
350 refers to 350 ppm (parts per million) of carbon dioxide which is the limit to avoid a climate tipping point.