Before we dive headfirst into the unknown, we must step back and take a look at the bigger picture. Gene-editing, specifically the CRSIPR method has become one of the most controversial topics in the world. Genetically modifying food has been seen to have many great benefits and the act of gene editing has also been shown to have enormous benefits. But, before we turn a blind eye, we must also look at the potential catastrophic affects. When did it become okay to cheat life? In a society where there is such a push on equal rights and fairness, it baffles me that people are supporting this kind of technology without looking at the bigger picture. Tenzin Gyatso is the fourteenth Dalai Lama and assumed roles of religious and political leader. Dalai Lama focuses on the topic of genetic engineering in “Ethics and the New Genetics” which is a chapter from The Universe of a Single Atom. Dalai Lama states “If we examine the philosophical basis underlying much of human ethics, a clear recognition of the principle that correlates greater knowledge and power with greater need for moral responsibility serves as a key foundation” (Lama 63). This quote is reiterating the fact that the more knowledge and power we have, the bigger the need for moral reasoning there is.